Pet Food Drives and Donations

Fresno Madera Area on Aging-Animeals on Wheels Program

Each year at our annual flyball tournament in April, Mutts in Motion collects pet food for the Fresno Madera Area on Aging and their Animeals on Wheels program.  This program is run in conjunction with their Meals on Wheels program and any Senior who has a need for help in feeding their pets is offered free pet food.  We are honored to be a part of this program as we are aware of how important pets are in the lives of our Seniors.  Here are a few pictures of our past efforts on collecting pet food:



Pet Food Drive to help out the Elderly at Fresno Madera Area Agency on Aging-2011, our first year and we collected over 1000 pounds of pet food!

FMAA Staff come out to thank the Mutts for the donations from 2012!

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Girl Scouts earned their Pet Care Badge in 2016 while collecting Pet Food for our Event!

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On of our Flyball dogs, Chile, helped deliver some food in 2017.

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The Seniors Agency helping us with the delivery of food in 2017

We are very please to help donate over 1000 pounds of food each year at our tournament!

Mutts in Motion 2017 Pet Food Drive jpg

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